Wild flowers are becoming increasingly popular and rightfully so! Not only do wild flowers look beautiful but they are hugely important for biodiversity. They are a highly attractive food source for pollinating insects like bees and butterflies amongst others. Did you know many species of butterflies only lay their eggs on wildflowers? Not forgetting in turn, they also provide food for other creatures such as birds.
Wildflower meadows also provide cover for amphibians and other small creatures and allow them to make a home.
And if that wasn’t enough, like all plants they absorb CO2 and pollution from the air. Grassland soil helps to reduce greenhouse gases, helping us with the fight against climate change.
The more wild flowers you can plant the better, but you don’t have to have a meadow to enjoy wild flowers. You can plant them in pots or raised beds, window boxes or a small section of your garden.
The larger area you can add wild flowers too the better! You will be creating a greater benefit to the local wildlife.
Here are some autumn gardening suggestions to help you make the most of the season.
Our gardens are fast becoming multifunctional spaces, they play a different role for every member of the family. Garden zoning can turn your garden from a one-dimensional space, into a series of beautiful outdoor rooms – from relaxing places to lounge, to children's play areas and more.