Plants For Shade
Many plants can tolerate semi-shade but only a few can grow successfully in full shade. Based on our experience and research, the following plants can cope with being planted in full shade locations.
- Beech / Fagus sylvatica
- Holly / Ilex aquifolium
- Hop hornbeam / Ostrya carpinifolia
- Moosewood maple / Acer pensylvancicum
- Mountain ash, Rowan / Sorbus aucuparia
- Wild service tree / Sorbus torminalis
- Boxwood / Buxus sempervirens
- Cherry laurel / Prunus laurocerasus
- Doghobble / Leucothoe walteri
- Fortune’s spindle / Euonymus fortunei
- Greater periwinkle / Vinca major
- Holly olive / Osmanthus heterophyllus
- Japanese andromeda / Pieris floribunda
- Japanese rose / Kerria japonica
- Japanese Skimmia / Skimmia japonica
- Japanesespurge / Pachysandra terminalis
- Laurustinus / Viburnum tinus
- Lily of the valley / Pieris japonica
- Oregon grape / Mahonia aquifolium
- Stinking ash / Ptelea trifoliata
- Wych alder species / Fothergilla
- Common ivy / Hedera helix
- Dewberry / Rubus caesius
- Dutchman’s pipe, Pipevine / Aristolochia macrophylla
- Fortune’s spindle, Winter creeper / Euonymus fortunei
- Oriental bittersweet / Celastrus orbiculatus
- Virginia creeper / Parthenocissus quinquefolia
- English yew / Taxus baccata
- Western red cedar / Thuja plicata